Josep Carles Laínez is an author with a vast array of artistic and literary works in multiple languages, recognized with various awards. His literary journey began in 1991 with books in Aragonese and Spanish, and has since expanded into Valencian and Asturian. In each language, he has carved out distinct creative paths, employing different aesthetics and styles. Interestingly, these varied personas, despite their differences, all share one name.
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Considered the first literary example of cyberromanticism (that is, of an aesthetic that combines the passion of romanticism and its attraction to the abyss in a post-technological society), Alma tells the…
Masnái —voz celtíbera que presumiblemente significa ‘con desgarro’— es un libro de poemas que fue adoptando la forma del haiku en un gradual despojamiento, aunque también sea…
Com s’esdevé pagà
I met Lorenzo Banfi in Valencia, sometime in the 1990s, at a meeting of European nationalist movements. We talked about the actions they were developing in Milan…
El borinot futboliste / Eth braulon futbolista
I wrote this story in one sitting one afternoon in Caudiel. In El borinot futboliste animals are once again the protagonists. The illustrator, Carlos Cuesta Dolz, was…
Fragments nocturns
Although I wrote these notebook entries in 2013, perhaps some of them date back much earlier than that year. In any case, they form part of my…
As parolas desentas
“As parolas desentas”[Las palabras exentas] [“The Exempt Words”] gathers a series of reflections on language and literature in Aragonese. I consider them part of my diaries because…
Cércol llàcteu de Coral
“Cércol llàcteu de Coral” [“Coral’s Milky Circle”] are seven annotations from March 2023, corresponding to a strict week. In the background, the work on the photographs for…
MetaValéncia. Articles 1994-2022
A collection of 45 opinion articles published in various newspapers. Almost three decades of ideas, bad temper, and attempts to raise an alternative building to the one…
Del bosque, no se sale
Spanish translation of Del bosc, no se n’ix. I carried it out by myself with enough fidelity to the original, although adding and revising, it is evident,…
El joc de pilota a València
I have devoted myself, almost without intending to, several times to the figure of Francesc Almela i Vives: prologue writer (Valencia y su reino), editor (Escritos taurinos),…
Del bosc, no se n’ix
Del bosc, no se n’ix is a journey to the discovery of an unknown world that is very close to us. It is the story of the…
Trilogía del Círculo de Ur
Between 2017 and 2021, I wrote and directed three “rites”, that is, three short films, which should be considered the aesthetic embodiment of the spirituality of the…
Taure, el tauronet
In the middle of the Pacific, on the Island of the Happy People, lives a family of very lively and friendly sharks. The smallest, Taure, is destined…
Paraula de valencians. Correspondència 2018-2021
Paraula de valencians is the compilation of letters, sometimes in the form of articles, that I exchanged with the writer and doctor Paco Tarazona over a period…
Quadern d’Almudena
The origin of this text in Catalan, “Quadern d’Almudena” [Almudena’s Notebook], which I consider part of my diary because of the intensity of the experience, and above…
Algún día
Algún día. My Poetic Work in Aragonese (1989-2000) gathers a wide production of my poetry in the Aragonese language, as well as in the Castilian-Aragonese dialect of…
Versos a Scherezada
Adelino Gómez Latorre (Caminreal, 1913 – Valencia, 1975) was a name of reference in the culture of Teruel (southern Aragon) in the first third of the last…
Oizorsken zeltar
Oizorsken zeltar means The Stone of the Wolves in Neo-Iberian. It is a collection of poems that Ilsa Nereildun and I wrote the first night of the…
Cuatro diyas de 2004
There are years in which I take almost no notes, or I concentrate them in a few months, or I find them in loose papers, as if…
Los siervos están cansados (los señores también)
I met Alain Brossat in Tirana, on the occasion of the congress on populisms that took place at the state university of the Albanian capital in April…
La nieve cae sobre Propercio
These diary fragments, written in Spanish, are part of the winter of 2015 in Encamp, and have a dark and oracular tone that transforms them into something…
Written between La Pobla de Farnals and Encamp during the months of July and August 2015, these are fragments of the diary in Spanish of those days…
Palabres espardíes
These “Palabres espardíes” [Palabras esparcidas], scarce, practically gather all my diaristic material written in Asturian between 2007 and 2010, and that in some cases had nourished an…
Tres ensayos mormones
The present book gathers three studies on Mormonism written in Spanish. Two of them are focused on Joseph Smith: the first one I published in issue 106…
Apartment Life
José Luis García Martín published in Clarín my article “Apartment Life,” with the brief notes of the summer of 2014, written in Spanish. The title refers to…
El paganismo explicado a los niños
Paganism has never died, and paganism is the religion of Europe. With these two premises, this book presents to parents and children the main vectors of a…
Cuadernu gris de 2012
This title, “Cuadernu gris de 2012” [Gray Notebook of 2012], gathers the notes written in the Asturian language, in a gray notebook, around 5:30-6:30 in the morning,…
Cartas a Emilio Gascó Contell
This volume collects my meticulous edition of 23 unpublished letters, with their facsimile reproduction and an introductory study, sent by Vicente Blasco Ibáñez (1867-1928) to the Valencian…
With Thule, I once again won the Theatre Award of the Academy of the Asturian Language in the 2008 edition. It is the third of the plays…
La piedra ente la ñeve
La piedra ente la ñeve ([La piedra entre la nieve]) is my second collection of poems in Asturian, and in it I tried to continue investigating, as…
Una crida a la simbiosi cultural. Meditacions des d’U
With the translation into Valencian of the essay Una crida a la simbiosi cultural by Jüri Talvet, I closed a long-standing debt, in a book that I…
La muerte del padre
This volume is an essay on disappearance. La muerte del padre [The Death of the Father], written in the form of a diary over six months in…
Poesía asturiana completa
Lluís X. Álvarez is an indisputable figure of contemporary Asturian thought and culture: professor of Philosophy at the University of Oviedo, specialist in José Ortega y Gasset,…
Estudios en torno a la obra de María Beneyto
This book was a commission, but also a pleasure. It gathers all kinds of writings on the work of the distinguished Valencian writer María Beneyto (1925-2011), from…
Lorca a la Nau
Lorca a la Nau was a show directed by Manuel Ángel Conejero, and premiered at the “Sagunt a escena” festival in 2008 by the Shakespeare Foundation. It…
Del consuelo
Throughout my father’s illness and death, my mother wrote a series of poems in notebooks, notepads, electronic diary files… Two years after that experience, I took all…
Aquí la noche tiene el nombre de Valeria
It is difficult to classify this book in terms of genre: aphorism, diary, prose poem, story… There is, above all, an experience of a land that I…
Lenta lletanía del cuerpo nel hedreru
Lenta lletanía del cuerpu nel hedreru ([Lenta letanía del cuerpo en el prado]) is not a typical poetry book, but a book where even my name, and…
Hores finales d’Hefestión en Babilonia
After Elsa metálico (1998) and before Thule (2010), Hores finales d’Hefestión en Babilonia [Final Hours of Hephaestion in Babylon] (2006) is my second approach to playwriting in…
La tumba de Leónidas
Alma will be my favorite book, perhaps because of my youth, but La tumba de Leónidas is undoubtedly the most beautiful, and the one in which I…
Escritos taurinos
The Escritos taurinos [Bullfighting Writings] of Francesc Almela i Vives (1903-1967) came to light because I was preparing a prologue for the reprinting of his essay Valencia…
Mosén Pedro
Benjamín Jarnés is a novelist about whose work more could have been written. The Centro de Estudios del Jiloca wanted to celebrate a Jarnesian anniversary by reprinting…
Caballinos del diañu, lluciérnagues y caparines
Caballinos del diañu, lluciérnagues y caparines [Dragonflies, Fireflies, and Butterflies] is a book that includes several haiku on animal themes. The translation into Spanish was done by…
Una más en la familia
This booklet was one of the first in Spain in terms of LGTBQI+ children’s literature. It came out at the same time as Juan Manuel Soler’s book:…
Ene marginalia
Ene marginalia gathers most of the articles I published in Asturian in the weekly Les Noticies, where I was a columnist for four years (2000-2003). It is…
Construcción metafórica y análisis fílmico
Cinema has been one of my greatest dedications in my passage to adulthood, and although I am not a compulsive cinephile, I still have my totemic directors…
Lo mejor está por llegar
The Best is Yet to Come, by the director, writer, and performer Annie Sprinkle, belongs to my time of wine and roses. It is not a book,…
Una noche más
Una noche más is also a post-apocalyptic story in which I wanted to explore how a homosexual relationship would take place when there was nothing left to…
In hoc signo vinces (estonian)
My book of aphorisms In hoc signo vinces was published in Estonian by the University of Tartu in translation by Jüri Talvet. I shared a volume with…
Música junto al río
In some of the poems of Música junto al río, I mix three languages: Spanish, Valencian, and the residual Castilian-Aragonese of my region, Alto Palancia. However, this…
When we were about to start rehearsing Berlin with the actress Carmen Rodríguez, the director, Alberto Sala, suggested me to modify some fragments, lest… The piece is…
El mayor de los milagros
The play El mayor de los milagros by Antonio Tello de Meneses, a practically unknown author of the 18th century, had been unpublished since its composition. It…
With Anxia, I obtained the highest of the prizes I have been awarded: the “Roís de Corella” of poetry in Valencian of the Literary Awards “Ciutat de…
Extranjero en su patria y otros poemas políticos
Joan Larzac (1938) is one of the greatest Occitan writers of the 20th century. Author of fundamental works at the time, such as the essays Per una…
Shipwreck are fragments of a lost epic poem. They were originally written in English in the early 1990s, at a time when I was on the verge…
Deseyos batalers
Deseyos batalers [Deseos de par en par] responded to my eagerness to close loose ends. It is a small volume in which I collect the articles I…
Del luxe del ras vora les fraules
A short piece, also a monologue, in which there are certain vampiric traits in the character, and an unhealthy pedophilic attraction. Del luxe del ras vora les…
Elsa metálico
Elsa metálico inaugurates my “Theatre of Silence,” an anti-theatrical aesthetic bet for which I chose the Asturian language. Two characters who have nothing to say to each…
Cuentos de adolescencia
This book is the translation of a possible translation, although there is nothing clear about it. One of the first mentors of Vicente Blasco Ibáñez (1867-1928) was…
In hoc signo vinces
One of my cursed books. I will never reveal who is the author of the homonymous work whose title inspired me… a contrario. They are aphorisms written…
Bel diya
Bel diya [Algún día] contains some of my most beloved poems. It was runner-up in the VIII “Ana Abarca de Bolea” Prize. Wherever I open it, I…
Alma is still one of my favorite books. It is a short novel set in a post-apocalyptic urban landscape that tells a story of obsessive love between…
Quatre fragments escarraunhats a la nuèit
Between the aphorism and the diary entry proper are these four samples of fragmentary writing, “Quatre fragments escarraunhats a la nuèit” [“Four Scratches in the Night”], written…
Como tú
Although I signed this piece on my own, I co-wrote it with the actor Javier Salinas in 1994 or perhaps earlier, and my participation was less than…
A besita de l’ánchel
I have fond memories of writing A besita de l’ánchel [The Angel’s Visit]: a whole summer spent in the family home in Caudiel, pounding the keys of…
Dionysíaka was my first book in Valencian. It was published by the publishing house Germania by the hand of the excellent poet Marc Granell, one of the…
Peruigilium Veneris
Peruigilium Veneris [The Eve of Venus’ Festivities] is a short collection of poems written between 1989 and 1991. They revolve around the figure of Sappho and are…
Exotica martyria
Exotica martyria was my first published poetry book. It was edited by the researcher, narrator, and poet Ricardo Llopesa in his poetry collection “La Torre de Papel”…
En o gudrón espígol xuto
En o gudrón espígol xuto [En el asfalto espliego seco] was published almost at the same time as Exotica martyria, also in 1991 In August 1989, we…