Los siervos están cansados (los señores también)

Los siervos están cansados (los señores también)

Los siervos están cansados (los señores también)

I met Alain Brossat in Tirana, on the occasion of the congress on populisms that took place at the state university of the Albanian capital in April 2012, and then we met again in Paris. Philosopher and great connoisseur of the world of cinema, the possibility arose of publishing in Spain this text, which is a little gem. As we read on the back cover, Los siervos están cansados (los señores también) “describes the return of the very ancient confrontation between the servant and his master, in the heart of contemporary capitalist relations, and just at the moment of an inexhaustible crisis of liberal democracy”. Brossat deals with the figure of the subaltern, and how it is deeply and painfully inscribed in a contempt that now adopts new faces (the reflection on the mediatic Strauss-Kahn case is masterful).

Alain Brossat, Los siervos están cansados (los señores también) [The Servants Are Tired (The Lords Are Too)], Valencia, Institució Alfons el Magnànim, 2017, translation.