Com s’esdevé pagà

Com s’esdevé pagà

Com s’esdevé pagà

I met Lorenzo Banfi in Valencia, sometime in the 1990s, at a meeting of European nationalist movements. We talked about the actions they were developing in Milan and the language of Lombardy, and the future prospects compared to those of Valencia. Those were pleasant days of which I remember above all a dinner in a pizzeria on Albacete street (was it already called Moretti?) together with Maria Àngels Ramón-Llin, who over the years would become a councilor of the Valencian Government, and other people. Decades went by without any contact with him again, until we got back in touch thanks to social networks. Each of us had evolved in our own way, but those nationalist and linguistic (as well as spiritual) bases remained strong in us. In 2018, I had planned to publish three books in Gudua Deisdea, one of which was going to be an autobiography of him centered on his evolution within paganism. For various reasons, those books did not come out in 2018; in 2019, I made an editorial pause; in 2020, the pandemic arrived…, and finally, this volume has seen the light, in a bilingual edition (Valencian / Milanese), in 2023.

Lorenzo Banfi, Com s’esdevé pagà / Comè se fa a diventà pagan [How to Become a Pagan”, Valencia, Edicions Òc-Valéncia, 2023, translation.