Caballinos del diañu, lluciérnagues y caparines

Caballinos del diañu, lluciérnagues y caparines

Caballinos del diañu, lluciérnagues y caparines [Dragonflies, Fireflies, and Butterflies] is a book that includes several haiku on animal themes. The translation into Spanish was done by Vicente Haya, and I did the translation into Asturian; Vicente introduced the haiku to the readers, and I spoke about haiku in Asturian poetry. The result was a…

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Una más en la familia

Una más en la familia

This booklet was one of the first in Spain in terms of LGTBQI+ children’s literature. It came out at the same time as Juan Manuel Soler’s book: Mi padre tiene un novio policía. The story narrates the anniversary of Verónica’s 18th birthday, when she introduces her parents to someone special… Una más en la familia…

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