

Written between La Pobla de Farnals and Encamp during the months of July and August 2015, these are fragments of the diary in Spanish of those days in which there was a unique theme in my evenings and in my writing: that of a summer fascination for a young body, and the impossible desire to…

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Palabres espardíes

Palabres espardíes

These “Palabres espardíes” [Palabras esparcidas], scarce, practically gather all my diaristic material written in Asturian between 2007 and 2010, and that in some cases had nourished an ephemeral and almost clandestine blog titled Palabres perdíes pa Dánae L. “Palabres espardíes” [Scattered Words], in Lliteratura, 32 (May, 2016), pp. 17-20. 17-20.

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Tres ensayos mormones

Tres ensayos mormones

The present book gathers three studies on Mormonism written in Spanish. Two of them are focused on Joseph Smith: the first one I published in issue 106 of Debats magazine (2010) and aims to be a biographical approach to his figure, putting it in relation to the European tradition; the second one is a reflection…

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