Exotica martyria

Exotica martyria

Exotica martyria was my first published poetry book. It was edited by the researcher, narrator, and poet Ricardo Llopesa in his poetry collection “La Torre de Papel” in 1991. I had met Ricardo thanks to his mythical Spanish and Central American poetry magazine Ojuebuey, which he distributed through the main bookstores in the city of…

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En o gudrón espígol xuto

En o gudrón espígol xuto

En o gudrón espígol xuto [En el asfalto espliego seco] was published almost at the same time as Exotica martyria, also in 1991 In August 1989, we had formed in Teruel, a group of activists for the Aragonese language, the Colla de Fablans d’o Sur d’Aragón [Group of Speakers from Southern Aragon]. One of our…

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